Yeshua is Yehovah
The Forgiver
The meaning of life! Mankind has been given freewill - the ability to choose between right and wrong, sin or don't sin, follow the teaching of Yeshua or do your own thing, love Yehovah or to not love Yehovah.
We are born not loving Yehovah but we have the freewill to choose - but Yehovah is a Holy God and a sacrifice had to be made to be in his presents.
In the Old Testament the Jews would sacrifice a lamb - a lamb without blemish, a blood offering that allow a man into the presents of God for a short time. This was temporary.
For constant access to Yehovah there needed to be a permanent sacrifice made. No human fitted the bill because there was no man without blemish. So, Yeshua stepped down from his throne in heaven to become a man - but a man without blemish.
Yeshua was the ultimate lamb sacrifice that gives permanent access to Yehovah for all mankind that choose to follow the teachings of Yeshua. Yeshua had provided purification for sins.
At this point in your life when you choose to become a Yeshua follower you are said to be "born again" - that which steers your mind, is reborn but with the intentions of going in a different direction - along the narrow path.
When we choose to become a follower of Yeshua we need to first recognise that our life up until that moment has been of our own freewill and contrary to the preferred way that is pleasing to Yehovah. We have sinned and we need forgiving.
When we confess this the lamb becomes the substitute sacrifice - we no longer face death which is what justice on Judgement Day looks like. Instead we are given the free gift of eternal life.
Forgiveness of our sins is the only route to eternal life - for this to happen there has to be a forgiver of sins